Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Internship Opportunity w/ Conservative Candidate's Campaign

Dear UNLV Prelaw Students,

Here is an opportunity to intern with a conservative candidate for US Congress. This is posted as a courtesy on behalf of the Fiore campaign. Please remember that UNLV Prelaw does not endorse any particular political party, candidate or platform. This is posted for your information:

Deadline: 5/20/2010

Intern Description for spring and summer term

Interns must be able to go door-to-door and conduct interviews with residents in targeted precincts. We provide walk literature and designated contacts for field work.

Interns must be able to maintain courteous conversation with targeted voters and take comprehensive notes of conversation while also directing exact questions for our micro-targeted voter campaign.

If willing to be a team leader, interns must have reliable transportation available at all times. Interns must sign a non-compete clause and confidentiality agreement.

All interns are required to maintain a regular schedule and most importantly be reliable.

Intern work includes attending events in the evening hours and representing the candidate at an array of functions.

Paid for by Fiore for Congress

If you are interested in joining our campaign please contact our chief-of-staff, Elicia Huffaker at 702-210-8460. We are looking for dedicated interns to start today.

We will work with your University to give you credit hours for your work. This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to learn about politics first hand and to meet many people with similar political views.

-UNLV Prelaw

Monday, May 3, 2010

Intern in a Local Law Office

Thinking about going to law school?

Before you make the decision, find out what the career is like by experiencing it from the inside.

UNLV's Department of Political Science has recently inaugurated a cooperative internship program with several local attorneys. Their firms are now on our roster and they have positions available for both the Summer and Fall of 2010.

Learn what the career is really like and earn academic credit at the same time.

For information about these positions, contact Dr. Steven Parker, Internship Coordinator, at

-UNLV Prelaw