About the University Libraries Lance and Elena Calvert Award for Undergraduate Research
With the support of a generous endowment from Lance and Elena Calvert, the University Libraries Lance and Elena Calvert Award for Undergraduate Research recognizes excellence in undergraduate research projects that incorporate the use of University Libraries' collections and demonstrate sophisticated information literacy skills on the part of the undergraduate researcher. The award review committee considers the product of the research, but focuses on the research process: the demonstration of library research skills, adept use of library resources, and reflection upon the strategies utilized to investigate a research problem. Winners receive a cash prize and public recognition of their excellent work.
Applicants must:
- Be enrolled as a UNLV undergraduate student at the time of project completion.
- Have completed the research project under consideration for a credit course at UNLV during summer or fall terms 2009 or spring semester 2010.
- Agree to contribute to a display of their research during the year following receipt of the prize.
Project length will be dictated by the course instructor or project advisor who supports the application.
Projects in all formats are eligible including:
- Research paper or thesis
- Design portfolio
- Theater designs
- Fine arts performance (dance, music, etc. captured on CD or DVD) accompanied by program notes
- Creative work (writing, art in any format)
- Film
- Digital media
Questions about eligibility should be addressed to the chair of the Libraries' Award committee, Anne Zald.
Submissions will be judged based on how well they demonstrate the following:
- Sophistication, originality and/or unusual depth or breadth in the use of library collections, including, but not limited to, printed resources, databases, primary resources, and materials in all media
- Exceptional ability to locate, select, evaluate, and synthesize library resources and to use them in the creation of a project in any media that shows originality and/or has the potential to lead to original research in the future
- Evidence of developing an understanding of the processes of research and inquiry.
A panel composed of faculty, librarians, students, and staff will judge entries. Expectations for achievement will be commensurate with the applicant's class year and the requirements of the discipline.
Application Deadlines
All applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on April 15, 2010.
Award winners will be honored at a reception to be held in April 2010.
Required Elements
Application Process
Submit printed entries to:Award for Undergraduate Research, c/o
Libraries' Administration Office
2nd floor Lied Library
campus mailstop 7001
(please do not staple or bind materials)
e-mail electronic applications.
-UNLV Prelaw